About Us


An interdisciplinary team received funding from Thompson Rivers University and Interior Health to explore a cost-effective framework of patient engagement in care and self-management with clinical partnership and community collaboration. The evidence-informed practice has demonstrated effective strategies such as survivorship, navigation, peer support, peer mentor, transitional care, education, etc. (D’Souza et al., 2020). For clients and significant others to be better informed and enabled to make an educated decision about their care from screening to discharge and beyond. These health care initiatives help generate a new body of knowledge based on academic education, practices and research through leading-edge innovations in primary care, treatment care and interdisciplinary approaches. Better accessibility, participation, health promotion, appropriate use of technology and interprofessional collaboration can result in timely care processes and treatment of clients.  

Initiatives on Nurturing, Caring, and Healing (INCHCC) have been co-created to value and focus on comprehensive care needs of clients and significant others for yielding more excellent benefits and satisfaction of care. Innovations in nurturing, caring and healing are instrumental to adapting and integrating better comprehensive care education support and health care services to improve client safety and reported outcomes (D’Souza et al., 2022). Foundations in nurturing, caring, and healing plan to offer relevant and appropriate information to clients, families, and caregivers to meet individual needs and improve care processes. 

INCHCC is a clinical, community, educational, and research-based approach to address the needs and challenges of clients and significant others to make informed decision-making and coping along with the entire illness. Innovations in co-developing patient engagement in care for self-management have been influenced by human caring, cultural care, self-management and self-efficacy theories of Jean Watson, Madeleine Leininger, Kathleen Sawin and Albert Bandura. 

INCHCC comprises of significant dimensions of securing autonomy and determination through elements of a patient engagement in care and self-management model such as:

  • Psychosocial and mental well-being 
  • Emotional and spiritual well-being
  • Active living and physical well-being 
  • Comprehensive and cost-effective care 
  • Holistic and comforting care
  • Engagement and empowerment 
  • Survivorship and navigation


  • Advocacy and empowerment 
  • Collaboration and partnership 
  • Commitment and compassionate 
  • Cultural safety and resilience


  • To co-develop comprehensive care for enhancing an informed decision-making process for clients and significant others through community partnerships.
  • To foster self-efficacy and self-management through self-determination and self-regulation for augmenting health promotion among clients and caregivers.


Advocacy for comprehensive cancer care for optimization, making informed choices, and better-integrating knowledge and practices through equity-oriented care. 

Photo by Jakob Søby on Unsplash
Photo by William Farlow on Unsplash


I have worked with ethnocultural and diverse populations in clinical and community settings. Every person has a story to tell, and these narratives are valuable sources of resilience and strength to have a voice. These narratives shape knowing and experiences through an interpretative and inquiry-based approach to adapt and embrace new knowledge and effective practices. It is crucial to co-develop self-management and health promotion activities through patient engagement in care and self-determination with clients and caregivers. It is critical to utilize vital partnerships for promoting sustainable connections and fostering optimal professional relationships for co-creating foundations in comprehensive cancer care.

Initiatives of Nurturing, Caring and Healing in Cancer Care

INCHCC symbolizes caring, hope and kindness Colours of bronze-yellow, red and greener prairies epitomize the human body, mind and spirit (Robbie, 2022).

“When all around me is darkness, a beacon of light shines from within, and an inner voice bringing kindness and hope, for all on this cancer journey; to live well, to be strong and to conquer the path. Coz, I do not know another day; I live today because of you” (D’Souza, 2022). 


Full Disclosure and Disclaimer Statement

This website will integrate concepts and exemplars from various social and healthcare environments for learning. This website will discuss highlights and opportunities for self-care and self-management while sharing conversations on psychosocial and emotional health and well-being to develop a holistic, gender-sensitive, transcultural, and context- approach to care for clients, families, and significant others. The learning materials and resources provided are purely intended for informational purposes and are not a substitute for professional and legal advice. If you have any questions and concerns, connect with your doctor or consult a professional. The website accepts no responsibility and no liability for any content information and is subject to change or removal at any time.

Citation: D’Souza, M. S., Latif, E., & Edwards, A. (2022, January 02). Initiatives in Nurturing, Caring and Healing in Cancer Care. In WordPress: Thompson Rivers University. https://cancercareinitiatives.trubox.ca/